How to Recover From Winter Damage?
This blog talks about how easy it is for humans to tackle the winter climate but challenging for the lawns to do so. But don’t worry, the blog also offers insights into three different ways that the Landscape contractors use to retain your yards from the winter damage. The first way is by “assessing the yard/lawn.” The second way is by “Identifying the reason for the damage,” in this section, we have given in-depth information on reasons for winterkill, and these includes: “winter desiccation,” “Crown hydration,” “Snow mold,” “Ice sheets,” and “Voles.” In the third and last section, we discuss “how the damage is repaired. In this section, we have discussed four preventive measures, like “test if the land is dead or dormant,” “Test the soil,” “Aerate,” and “Consider the usage of the pre-emergent herbicide.”